Nano Dimension renews Stratasys takeover bid Finances December 24, 2023 [ad_1] Stratasys headquarters Eyal Izhar Shekel-dollar fee falls beneath NIS 3.6 The Economist: Tel Aviv slips…
Stratasys shareholders nix merger with Desktop Metal Finances September 29, 2023 [ad_1] The shareholders of Rehovot-based 3D printer firm Stratasys (Nasdaq: SSYS) voted right now towards the corporate’s proposal for…
3D Systems launches takeover bid for Stratasys Finances June 3, 2023 [ad_1] US 3D printing firm 3D Methods Corp. (NYSE: DDD) has launched a takeover bid for Israeli 3D printing…
Stratasys merges with Desktop Metal at $1.8b valuation Finances May 26, 2023 [ad_1] Israeli 3D printing firm Stratasys (Nasdaq: SSYS) and US 3D printing firm Desktop Steel, Inc. (NYSE: DM) right…
Stratasys Stock and Its Costly Acquisition Addiction Markets September 12, 2022 [ad_1] Stratasys Inventory and Its Pricey Acquisition…
Nano Dimension buys 12% Stratasys stake Finances July 19, 2022 [ad_1] Israeli 3D printing firm Nano Dimension (Nasdaq: NNDM) has reported a 12.1% holding in Rehovot-based 3D printing firm…